Behaviour Trees

This assignment focused on the use of behaviour trees in Unreal Engine 4.27.2 and the use of VFX.

The second level needed to contain enemies patrolling and guarding sections of the level. Each enemy needed to have a shield, using materials and Niagara (VFX). The shield had to be visible to the player. When the player shoots an enemy with a projectile, the projectile hitting the shield needed to have some visible effect, to show a collision has occurred. The enemy needed to be able to patrol, guard and attack and chase the player. Optimisation of the project was a requirement, with a size limit of 400MB.

Level 1

The first level needed to demonstrate a herd of animals navigating around the level. If the player goes near the herd, the animals run away. The player also needed to have the ability to hide so the herd of animals can be observed without disturbing them. The animals needed to be able to roam, graze and run away.

Level 2


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